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Incromex™ TG4030

Incromex oils are highly purified omega 3 oils that have been designed specifically for use as excipients due to their superior solubility performance for select APIs. The enhanced solubility properties of both the triglyceride and ethyl ester in this range are due to the specific blend of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The final oil compositions are obtained using multiple purification steps that remove a wide array of polar impurities which can negatively impact API stability and formulation stability. Incromex oils provide the formulator a high quality, high purity and high performance solubiliser that minimises negative API-excipient interactions that can ultimately impact final drug efficacy.
Product details

Chemical group

  • Triglycerides

Administration route

  • Oral

Market application

  • Human pharmaceutical


  • Solubiliser