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Virodex™ TXR-1 TDS

Virodex™ TXR-2 TDS

Virodex™ TXR-1 and TXR-2: Safe and effective viral inactivation and cell lysis

Virodex TXR-1

Virodex™ TXR-1

Virodex™ TXR-1 es un surfactante no iónico de rápida biodegradación para la inactivación viral y la lisis celular, que cumple con las necesidades de aplicaciones biofarmacéuticas como un sustituto...
Virodex TXR-2

Virodex™ TXR-2

Virodex™ TXR-2 es un surfactante no iónico con un 40% de base biológica para la inactivación viral y la lisis celular, que cumple con las necesidades de aplicaciones biofarmacéuticas como un sustituto...

Key benefits of our Virodex™ range include:

Sustainable, REACH-compliant, and cGMP EXCiPACT manufactured
Compendial grade, with known parenteral applications*
No risk of nitrosamine formation

Equivalent performance to Triton™ X-100, with better performance than other replacements on the market
Offered in a range of pack sizes, including single-use
And more...