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Avanti Mini-Extruder Brochure

The Avanti Mini-Extruder is a device that produces unilamellar vesicles ranging in size from 30nm to 1µm. The size of the vesicles is controlled by the polycarbonate membrane selected for use. A minimum of eleven passes through the extruder membrane is recommended to obtain a unimodal, normal distribution of vesicle sizes. The Avanti Mini-Extruder kit includes the extruder, a heating block/holder, 2 gas-tight syringes, 2 o-rings, 100 polycarbonate membranes, and 100 polyester filter supports. The heating block is optional, but it is recommended to use it for the production of vesicles from phospholipids with a phase transition temperature above room temperature. All parts and accessories for the Avanti Mini-Extruder are available from Avanti. The device is useful for a wide variety of lipid compositions and can be used with 250µL and 1000µL syringes.


Folhetos (Inglês)

Idioma: Inglês

Formato: PDF

Tamanho do arquivo: 531,0 KB
